Neat problem.  Please let us know what you finally do.

> 1e-11 only buys you 3000 seconds of drift before blowing the 30 ns budget.
> Without going to cesium we will most likely need some form of mutually
> visible synchronization. 

How many Cesiums do you need?  What do they cost these days?  (at that volume 
and govt rates)
What's the long term maintenance cost?

Can you afford to design, debug, and qualify something else at that total 

My straw man for an alternative would be to use the transmitter on the 
airplanes as the signal source.  I think that works if you have extra ground 
stations covering at least some regions which will have enough airplanes in 
them to keep the system calibrated.  But maybe you need those extra ground 
stations anyway so that the whole system doesn't fall apart when 
fire/earthquake/tornado/whatever takes out one ground station.  (If so, you 
have to think about what happens if one station does go out.)

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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