Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 11:53:10 -0400
From: Chuck Harris <>
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] 60kHz Loop antenna

The coil with 50T and 5 foot diameter is 11.5mH.  It would take about
220pf of self capacitance to make it resonate at 100KHz.

Anyway, if the capacitance is too much, it's all in the way you
splice the ends together in the conduit box.  If you want, you can
make the loop a single turn with 50 parallel conductors.

-Chuck Harris

paul swed wrote:
I have used 25 pair telco cable.
The issue that can happen is the inter pair and strand capacitance
can exceed the resonance frequency of the loop. Or resonates below
60 KC. Just a heads up.
Using a 3 foot loop was not a problem.

There is a number of software applications at, written by a silent key Reg Edwards, G4FGQ from the UK. In particular, the program titled RJELOOP3 is of particular interest in the design and analysis of loop antennae in the VLF region. I've used several of Reg's programs and have never found an error (doesn't mean there aren't any, but he was a very knowledgeable engineer).

This program is based on a square loop, but will certainly get in the ballpark with the circular and other shapes. It calculates inductance, self-resonant frequency, capacitance needed for resonance, receiving sensitivity, impedances, etc. A nice program.

dgminala at mediacombb dot net

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