
I haven't been following this thread that won't die, but I've
contributed to others :^)

If the problem is that it is expensive to detect when a bullet
hits a target half a mile away, then have I got a solution for

Visit any friendly neighborhood terrorist supply store and buy
a small quantity of PETN, or any other explosive that can be
detonated by the impact of a bullet. Smear a coating of this
over the area of the target that you intend to hit.

When you hit the target, there will be a very bright flash
with a very fast propagation velocity, which should be adequate
for the average 10X scope and photosensor.

No, I don't know where to find a terrorist supply store. Perhaps
you can make do with the PETN in blasting caps, or brew up a
batch of nitrogen tri-iodide, as any college freshman could do
in the fifties. Or try the powders from a Very pistol flare.

Yours for more creative solutions,

Bill Hawkins

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