We all enjoy good accurate time keeping. :) What is your favorite watch? My watch (so far) is a Casio WaveCeptor digital watch that gets the WWVB signal and calibrates itself that I bought for $50 at a WalMart - the price of one Chicago parking ticket. Less than half a second off at any time, it is plenty accurate. The one exact drawback is that during night driving, you can't read it when you need to check the time. The lesser drawback is that it is not dressy.

A nice "dressy" radio controlled watch would be that Citizen EcoDrive watch shown on those adverts during football games. If it has glow in the dark hands and 5 minute markers it would be great if expensive. So, let's have it with the best watch for a time nut! (not including Tom van Baak's REAL "atomic watch")

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