> For those of you with vintage Trak 6460 time scale generators (see http://
> www.leapsecond.com/pages/trak6460) a special treat will occur at 13:20:00
> UTC* on Christmas day. The time at the tone will be 55555.55555. Once in a
> lifetime.

Neat find.  Thanks for sharing.

But you can get more.  How many 5s do you want?

13:20 is 13*3600 + 20*60 = 48000 seconds
48000 / 86400 is 5/9
5/9 is 0.555555555... (repeating fraction)

Does the Trak 6460 do the right with leap seconds?  What is the right thing?

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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