The reason it caught me out, is that I had changed to version 3.30
(where it also delays NMEA) on the 27th Sep 2010, and it took a couple
of months to manifest as a problem. It was the "rising of the sap" in
my trees combined with windy weather - which pushed the NMEA into the
next second for my application.

I also noticed a gradual deterioration, but that was going into Winter with fewer branches!

Luckily I kept all the 18x firmware versions David, so I could simply
reload the firmware that completed the NMEA sentences well before the
next PPS.

But which would you trust?

Yes, that is why it got tricky for me David, because sometimes the GPS
gave the correct UTC time, and sometimes the UTC time was one second
slow - depending on how much the NMEA sentences were delayed from the

Regards, Kiwi Geoff (NZ).

With NTP which is my use of the puck, I could fix it so that /only/ the PPS signal is used, and the coarse "nearest second" is derived elsewhere, and that's how I'm running right now.

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