While sensitivity to g is an usually specified parameter for crystal
oscillators, I've been unable to find any indications for atomic clocks, say
5071A, or more modestly LPRO. Can anybody point me to any source of info on the
Antonio I8IOV

Hi Antonio,

You may find some information on g-sensitivity of rubidium
in old FCS or PTTI papers. There are high-rel rubidium for
the military and space applications, so practical issues of
acceleration and jerk sensitivity have been well researched.

The other thing you could do is quickly and/or very slowly
turn over a running LPRO and report what happens. Like
what we do with quartz, try it on all three axis. It would be
a fun experiment.

For a 5071A the frequency shift is gh/c². Earth tides cause
a couple of ten cm change during the day; this change in
local g affects the output by parts in 10^17; way too low to
be detected with a 5071A but getting near to the capabilities
of ion clocks. See:

For some info on g, tides, and clocks see:

To detect changes in g with a 5071A you can raise the clock
by many meters. For example, g is about 9.808 m/s² at sea
level in Seattle but 1 km up it's closer to 9.805 m/s². A 5071A
runs about 1e-13 faster at 1 km elevation compared to one
at sea level. This is large enough to be measurable. See:


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