On 1/14/11 6:55 AM, Robert Lutwak wrote:
Before this indelible conversation goes too far, note that cesium beam
frequency standards are explicitly included on the U.S. ITAR list under
§121.IV.28 and that, under  §120.10.a, this prohibits the dissemination of

"(1) Information, other than software as defined in § 120.10(d), which is
required for the design development, production, manufacture, assembly,
operation, repair, testing, maintenance or modification of defense articles.
This includes information in the form of blueprints, drawings, photographs,
plans, instructions and documentation."


I don't think so..
I looked through the current USML, and the word cesium doesn't appear in it. Spaceflight qualified atomic frequency standards ARE on the USML, but I didn't see anything in there about standards for terrestrial use. Might have missed it, or maybe it's a "dual use" and controlled under the EAR, not ITAR?

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