I forgot to mention, I have a scan of the manual, it's around 7 MB. The manual 
came in pretty poor shape, hence the scan.

73, Dick, W1KSZ

-----Original Message-----
>From: John Ackermann N8UR <j...@febo.com>
>Sent: Mar 17, 2011 1:22 PM
>To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement <time-nuts@febo.com>
>Cc: David Olean K1WHS <k1...@metrocast.net>
>Subject: Re: [time-nuts] HP106B crystal oscillator
>Dave, I haven't seen an actual Manson standard, but I do recall that one 
>was listed in an ancient Tucker catalog (from the early 80s).  I'm just 
>now unpacking my library after our move, and should soon uncover that 
>catalog if I still have it.  Let me know if you'd like me to scan the 
>Manson info for you -- it's only a picture and a few words, plus 
>Tucker's used price.
>On 3/17/2011 3:34 PM, David Olean K1WHS wrote:
>> I have a vintage HP 106B crystal oscillator. It has been sitting around for 
>> a few years and I just recently found a schematic for it. It was enough so I 
>> could dig in and check things out. The first thing I tried when I got it was 
>> to run the unit on external power as the internal PS seemed to be hosed. The 
>> oscillator fired up and stabilized at something very close to 5 MHz so I 
>> suspected that the ovens were working properly. There it sat for  a few 
>> years until I found a schematic so I could fix the power supply.
>>      The first chore was to remove the old and defunct NiCd battery pack and 
>> I discovered that it was causing the power supply to be NG. I ordered some 
>> new D Cell NiCDs (20 in fact) and rebuilt the NiCd pack. Once the shorted 
>> cells were removed the supply started working again and all voltages are 
>> within range. I was thrilled to get it working. With the new cells in place, 
>> they trickle charge and will run the unit for many hours during power 
>> failures and moves.
>>      This HP106B was in the cal lab at Sanders Associates at Nashua, NH. It 
>> was apparently scrapped around 2006, and ended up out in the weather in a 
>> metal scrap yard in Northwood, NH where my brother found it and then he gave 
>> it to me. He knew I liked precision things so figured I would like the 
>> HP106B. (Good thinking!) At present there are only two issues with the unit. 
>> The meter face is cracked and partially broken. But what do you expect from 
>> getting thrown in a dump anyway? The fine tuning gear train has a problem 
>> and seems to be binding up with only a limited range of travel. I hope I can 
>> find a new meter cover. The movement is perfectly fine.
>>      Now that it is working, I plugged it in and it has been running for 
>> about 2 weeks. Initial results are encouraging. I set freq with the coarse 
>> adjustment and so far it seems to be quite stable when compared to a Z3801. 
>> My initial setting produced results within 4 parts in 10-9 of the Z3801, and 
>> that has remained pretty much constant these last two weeks. (I compare 
>> frequencies on 10,368 MHz to see how close the counters are) To get the 
>> initial setting, I used an oscilloscope to freeze the two traces (Z3801&  
>> HP106B) I was not too careful but I am encouraged that the drift over 2 
>> weeks seems to be non existent as far as I can see. Eventually, I will get 
>> up my nerve and attack the fine tuning gear train. First I need to run 
>> things for a few months and try to get a feel for how well the oscillator is 
>> working. Then I have to figure out the best way to calibrate it!
>>      I also have a pair of old tube type Manson proportional oven 
>> oscillators.  Part #s are RD-140 and RD-146. They are 1 MHz units. I have 
>> one of those running but suspect that they are not very good performers. I 
>> just turned it on, and after a few days still see fluctuations of +/- 0.2 
>> Hz. Maybe I need to DC regulate the filament of the oscillator tube? That is 
>> an obvious source of error. Possibly I could run it on a constant voltage 
>> transformer to test my theory. These old klunker oscillators are fun. So 
>> much labor went into their construction etc, that I feel it is a sacrilege 
>> to ignominiously heave them into the dumpster. They deserve better! Has 
>> anyone else  ever seen these Manson oscillators?
>> Dave Olean K1WHS
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