...probably somebody who hates SI units for some unknown reason and uses 
his intelligence to construct a couple of ridiculous "arguments" supposed 
to show that this system of units had holes. 

On Tuesday 05 April 2011, Brooke Clarke wrote:
> // This means that, if you follow the rules of the SI,
> // 1 Hz = 1/s = 1 radian/s which is simply inconsistent and violates basic
Why exactly should hat arise when "following the rules of SI"?

If I follow this guy's rule, I could also argue: 
1 Hz = radians Hz = radians^2 Hz = radians^3726 Hz. 
Similarly, 1 s = radians s = 1 radians s. 

That's independent of the definition of Hz and seconds and can be constructed 
whenever you can replace numerical "1" with something else. 

Where's the point? What links radians to seconds?

But hey, guys, sshhh... don't tell this guy that you could also write 
Hz = s^-1 because then he'd start with 1 Hz = "seconds to the power of 
a negataive radiant" which clearly shows that SI units are utterly perverse!

Wolfgang, DL1SKY

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