Not meaning to be unfriendly, BUT this list * *  IS NOT  * * a "general" test 
equipment repair faculty.

The unit in question is a series of regulated voltage sources that are 
adjustable.  Being adjustable means it is not absolute.  Equally so, your 3458A 
is, likewise, adjustable and is totally dependent upon the references it was 
adjusted against.  Besides the type of wires and corresponding thermals in your 
connection arrangement, you have the ambient
temperature in the mix.

As you state you just bought it used, how do you expect it to be perfect ?  It 
has most likely been kicked around for a while and with no known calibration 
history, those values do not surprise me at all.  Do you really think your 
3458A is perfect ?  Is your "cal lab" really up to the job ?  If so, then send 
your new BOX to them and compare after you
get it back.

Your question "What is the reference of the replacement batteries ?" is 
ambiguous.  If you meant the part number, then open it up and do the research.  
As for the batteries, except for mounting issues, they are just a power source 
for all the different regulated supplies that feed those front panel connectors.


JF PICARD wrote:

> I am looking for the service manual of the Datron Wavetek 4910. I have just 
> got  this reference standard from Ebay : is it normal to see 3 cells at 2 or 
> 3 µv under 10V  and one at + 13µv (23°C with 3458A just calibrated yesterday) 
> or it is an obvious problem with the cell (the third one) ? What is the 
> reference of the replacement batteries ? Thanks.
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