continuing the queries on LCD monitors on TBolts
The I.Fluke illustrations show a message of one, two or three
satellites only being visible. My monitors do not display this message,
is that because of the mode the TBolt is in?
I tried to find the list of display messages in the KO4BB listing of the software for the monitor, but I am finding the relation of the message codes in the Thunderbolt
Manual to the software for the monitor very confusing.
I assume the TBolt only sends out some codes under particular conditions,
does the monitor software decode all possible message codes?
I have inserted the 3 silicon diodes into the 5V supply line to suit the micro.
I hope answers to my questions will help many other TBolt users.
Neville Michie

On 12/05/2011, at 4:40 PM, David Bobbett wrote:

Both myself and a few other time-nuts have had a problem with the LCD Tbolt monitor from /fluke.l/ in China not showing a value for the DAC voltage. The DAC voltage did appear correctly in Lady Heather and the tboltmon.exe program, but the LCD monitor would only show 0.0000. All other values would display on the LCD without a problem.

I have contacted fluke.l again and so far he has 1) suggested doing a factory reset of the Tbolt and 2) asked me to confirm that the data is there in the programs mentioned above. Today he has asked me to send him a photo of the display, which I will do shortly.

I thought it would be useful if I let other 'sufferers' know what is happening, in case somebody has something to add to the information. Please feel free to contact me off list if you prefer.

David Bobbett, G4IRQ
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