Hi Fred,

On 05/14/2011 03:42 PM, Tijd Dingen wrote:

Magnus Danielson wrote:
There are many things you can get away with, just how much trouble you
want to verify it versus doing the proper thing is another issue.

Define "proper thing". ;-) From what I understand taking the exact Nth edge,
and then do linear regression is equivalent to taking roughly every Nth
edge and then do linear regression.

Well, you always have the corner-case where numerical precision and near same frequency beating comes into play, so what will help and what will reduce your precision becomes a little fuzzy to say in general terms. That's why I be careful to say that "they are roughly the same".

If you run exact Nth edge you could do some algorithmic steps that avoids some rounding errors. Still, N can be allowed to be fairly large (say 1 milion). Another algorithmic benefit is that you could put your pre-processing upfront in the FPGA.

Equivalent in the sense that the frequency estimates of the two will be
the same, to within the usual numerical uncertainties. Or to put that another 
The first method of doing things is not inherently better or worse than the 
method. After all, that is the whole thing I am trying to be sure of right now.

They will not be greatly different as far as I can see. Do recall that linear regression may need a drift component to it. I regularly see bending curves.

Of course I can make sure that I take exactly every Nth edge. It is just that 
are some considerable implementation advantages if that constraint does not have
to be so strict.

You can never be quite sure you see every Nth edge. You can see every Nth edge that your digital side detected. You will need to ensure that trigger level and signal quality is good to avoid cycle slipping on the trigger side. It requires care on the analogue side and adjustments of trigger levels to the signal at hand. I've seen lost pulses and double or additional triggers too many times.

One advantage being that if this constraint can be fairly loose, then using the
ISERDES2 in the spartan-6 as part of the coarse counter is fairly simple. I did
a couple of test with that, and all looks good. The main advantage there being
that if I use the serdes, this translates into a higher input frequency without 
need for a prescaler. Which translates into better precision.

You would indeed be able to avoid a hardware pre-scaler, but you would need a darn good analogue front-end to make sure the input side has slew-rate needed. Lacking slew-rate can problematic and can cause you to loose cycles or get multiple triggers.

Also, you will get a high data-rate out of the SERDES which a FW pre-scaler needs to sort out, but in parallel form rather than serial form.

The SERDES provides a wonderful digital front-end for high-speed signals, but the fixed sampling rate provides little interpolation powers, a 10 Gb/s SERDES can sample every 100 ps for you.

Hence my current (over)focus to make absolutely sure that all the results are 
valid if one takes almost the Nth edge, but not quite right all the time... 
However, you
still know which edge is which. You just don't know it early enough in the 
to use as basis for a triggering decision.

You will have to work with multiple possible trigger-locations, but it is possible to post-process out.

I have not looked on detail performance comparison between these
algorithms lately. However, they should not be used naively together
with AVAR and friends since they attempt to do the same thing, so the
resulting filtering will become wrong and biased results will be produced.

Well, for the AVAR calculation I only use the raw time-stamps. So nothing
preprocessed. Then I should not have to worry about this sort of bias, right?

Exactly, if you use raw time-stamps and have decent quality on tau0 measures, you have avoided a lot of problems.


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