Hear, hear, Perrier!

On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 11:11 PM, Perry Sandeen <sandee...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> List,
> Wrote: Guys, I gotta ask, what does this have to do with time keeping?   Am
> I missing something?
> Most definitely.  In fact, I believe several things. It is the broadening
> of one’s mind that then allows one to better solve a problem(s) of interest.
>  The current label used is “out of the box”.
> This is why institutions of higher learning require subjects like
> humanities and classical music appreciation and other such courses.
> Yes, one could take nothing but science courses and graduate in two years
> instead of four.  But the real world has found out that that doesn’t produce
> educated people that need to think to the levels of creativity needed for a
> robust society.
> A few examples.  How it works is still unknown but the military discovered
> that military band people had a knack for being skillful in solving
> intercepted cryptology messages in WWII.  Also some scientists working on
> the development of the atom bomb at Los Alamos would sometimes be playing
> Brahms or Beethoven piano pieces at 2 AM in the morning to aid their
> thinking.  And currently many of the most talented Pro football players are
> also talented musicians.
> Wrote: May this thread die now please.
> Perhaps.  But those that don’t learn and remember history are doomed to
> repeat it.
> There are long, long, discourses posted on stuff that I will never
> understand, use, or even care about. Then there is the PITA of top posting.
>  For some reason this list is the absolute worst in this respect of any I’ve
> ever seen. That’s what the delete key is for.  But other postings have been
> a treasure chest of practical useful information.  Including many of the OT
> postings.
> And about W.U. time signals.
> When I worked at Hallicrafters in the la 60’s they made precision ovenized
> 1 MHz standards for W.U.
> What was unique is that they had a little synchronous motor and gear
> assembly to turn a piston capacitor to compensate for long term drift. No
> tech needed.  No WWV comparison needed.  An “out of the box” simple
> solution.
> Regards,
> Perrier
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