See, in my former existence as a us gov't researcher, I was forced!
(yes) to buy stuff from GSA contract, even when the item could be had
cheaper and/or much higher quality. GSA is a dumping ground for
congressional district hacks. I'd avoid buying anything even tainted
with a whiff of GSA, except maybe Agilent or other major suppliers.
Just my hard-won $.02 inflated rasbucknicks.

Robert Watzlavick
> I would avoid BRG clocks.  I've used them in two different companies now
> and they're pretty much junk in my opinion.  Both of the clocks I used
> had IRIG inputs and they only sort of work.  They seem to randomly lose
> IRIG lock every few days and will easily get 1/2 second off, even when
> locked.  The user interface is incomprehensible and takes me 20 minutes
> to figure out every time I have to adjust the UTC offset to display
> local time.  Finally the instruction manuals are too complicated to be
> useful.  It seems like they just keep tacking on features to firmware
> written 20 years ago, even with the new features don't fit the UI
> model.  When IRIG time wouldn't sync up on one of the units, I took it
> apart and found the clock to be constructed of a metal picture frame
> with the circuit boards loosely laying inside some green crafting foam
> and wires running all over the place.  Even my electronics projects when
> I was a kid looked more professional than these clocks.  When I
> reassembled it, the IRIG feature mysteriously started working again,
> sort of.
> The prices look very appealing but trust me, stay away - they just don't
> work.
> -Bob
> On 06/08/2011 03:46 PM, Bob Camp wrote:
>> Hi
>> Found the GSA price list at:
>> Looks like you can get the basic no frills model for about $400 and
>> they go
>> up from there.
>> Bob
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> On
>> Behalf Of Bob Camp
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 4:35 PM
>> To: 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'
>> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] locate 6 digit digital clock
>> Hi
>> I suspect that something like:
>> would do the trick. No idea what they cost.
>> Bob
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> On
>> Behalf Of William H. Fite
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 4:07 PM
>> To:; Discussion of precise time and frequency
>> measurement
>> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] locate 6 digit digital clock
>> I think he wants a clock that will actually tell time, rather than one
>> that
>> merely blinks *12:00...12:00...12:00...*
>> [?][?]
>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 3:10 PM, J. Forster<>  wrote:
>>> Why not just buy or scrounge a small microwave oven or VCR?
>>> -John
>>> ==================
>>>> Please add my "me-too" to this discussion.
>>>> I would like to see a clock that simply tells time,  reminiscent of
>>>> the
>>>> ones I put together in the 1970s, but with LED displays
>>>> large enough to read from across a darkened room. I would prefer
>>>> 24-hour
>>>> format and I want a 6-digit display with seconds.
>>>> For accuracy, I would want an internal TCXO, with the option of
>>>> using a
>>> 10
>>>> MHz or 1 PPS external signal when available,
>>>> but I want the clock to automatically switch to the internal
>>>> timebase if
>>>> the external signal is disconnected or lost
>>>> With a PIC I would like to see a switch for PDT/PST, so I don't have
>>>> to
>>>> reset the clock twice a year. I would also like to see
>>>> an option for having the clock be self-setting or self-synchronizing
>>>> by
>>>> adding an inexpensive GPS module.
>>>> I don't need date and I don't need DOW or DOY as I already have
>>>> other
>>>> clocks and watches that give me that information.
>>>> It might be useful to have a smaller second line that would show me
>>> those,
>>>> and show me the time in UTC to keep track of
>>>> what time it is back in the "old country" when I want to listen to
>>>> Radio
>>>> Denmark on the Internet, but this would add to the
>>>> complexity and the number of solder points.
>>>> And I would like all this to fit in a spare HP 2U half-width
>>>> rack-mount
>>>> case that I have saved for that purpose. This would
>>>> be a companion to my Thunderbolt GPSDO which is housed in an
>>>> identical
>>>> case. One option would be to mount the clock
>>>> in the same case as the Thunderbird, and have the second line
>>>> display
>>> your
>>>> choice of GPS signal.
>>>> -- Flemming Larsen, KB6ADS/OZ6OI
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> Fra:Brooke Clarke<>
>>>> Til:Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
>>>> <>
>>>> Sendt:7:12 onsdag den 8. juni 2011
>>>> Emne:Re: [time-nuts] locate 6 digit digital clock
>>>> By using a PIC you can do much more than just tell time, for example
>>>> display the Day of the Week and because the calendar is good back to
>>>> 1800 something you can set the clock back that far and know the DOW.
>>>> The next step was going to be to install a table of leap seconds so
>>>> that  you could replay any of those events in history.  See:
>>>> Have Fun,
>>>> Brooke Clarke
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