People are tremendously flexible, and are interested in a wide
variety of things.... that is why they are worthy of communication.
Any attempt at segregating thought into a single subject invariably
fails as the creative minds, and the conversations wander.

Rigid enforcement of such segregation only serves to stifle the conversation,
and causes the creative juices to dry up...both on subject, and off.

The proper time for the segregation is after the conversation is done,
which is the function of an editor, and a search engine.

If only such existed for these groups...

I have always preferred to think of time-nuts as a place to go when you
want to see what people that have a strong interest in the measurement of
time think of various topics that are sort of related to time.

-Chuck Harris

Morris Odell wrote:
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Remotely read power meters

This is OT for time-nuts.  Should we start another list for things like
  nuts-overflow?  nuts-OT?

I would like to propose a corollary to Godwin's Law* for technical
discussion groups. I have observed that every electronics technical group I
have ever belonged to (and are lots) eventually ends up discussing power
distribution! This one is perhaps atypical in that the topic of RCDs has not
come up yet but I'm sure if we wait long enough it will. It used to bug me
but now with very cheap bandwidth I just sit back and wait for the
discussion to get back to boatanchors, radio, oscilloscopes, test gear,
audio, microprocessors, time nuttery or whatever. It does degrade the S/N
ratio a bit though - I wonder if there's a "noise-nuts" out there to discuss
it on....



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