First, catch your rabbit...

Jim Lux
> On 7/22/11 3:46 PM, brent evers wrote:
>> "After that all you need to do is write some code to..."
>> Oh - if I had a nickel for every time I've heard that!
>> Brent
> When I worked in the physical effects business, we'd get a set of
> storyboards from a director, and we'd have to figure out how we were
> going to build a rig or arrange the effect as required.   The catch
> phrase was always "then, all you gotta do is"...
> representing some sort of incredibly difficult, tedious, or impractical
> activity. Sure, install 10,000 lightbulb sockets into a frame and wire
> them up before tomorrow morning's call time at 6AM.. *all you gotta do*
> is get 50 people to each wire 200 sockets, screw in the bulbs and test
> them.
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"Neither the voice of authority nor the weight of reason and argument
are as significant as experiment, for thence comes quiet to the mind."
R. Bacon
"If you don't know what it is, don't poke it."
Ghost in the Shell

Dr. Don Latham AJ7LL
Six Mile Systems LLP
17850 Six Mile Road
POB 134
Huson, MT, 59846
VOX 406-626-4304

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