What a pitty!

I am currently receiving the Xray/Soustons of the 6731 LESSAY chain
in very good conditions (day and night). The Loran-C phase record
against one of my TBolts never exceeds 50 nS and I wish I could have
a predominant over-land path to investigate some possible (?!) seismic
perturbations. Estartit would be a must!

Best regards from Portugal
CT1TE: 41 21 10.344N; 08 23 01.394W

Quoting Marco IK1ODO <ik1...@spin-it.com>:

At 17:37 26/07/2011, you wrote:
In message <20110726173114.63txv1m944ss0...@webmail.fc.up.pt>, asma...@fc.up.pt

Would someone tell me, please, if the Master, at Sellia Marina,
or the Slave X, at Lampedusa, of the 79900 Mediterranean Chain
are still in operation.

As far as I know, they are not, and have not been since the USCG
left them approx 20 years ago.

I confirm by direct experience. I went to Sellia Marina on Dec. 30th,
1997. The station was almost abandoned, and had been handled to the
Italian Coast Guard since several months.
One of the two 300 kW transmitters had been cannibalized, and the other
one was out of service with a defective cooling system. The antenna
mast was in good shape, and the equipment, including the atomic clocks,
was switched off. I was impressed by the station control computer (a
PDP-8). The station timer was also out of order and needed extensive
At the time, the Turkish station was out of service, the mast was down
because of a tornado. A replacement mast, arrived from Japan, was never
erected. The two transmitters in Lampedusa Island were off service, one
cannibalized, in the other a rat exploded into the HV power supply.
The Spanish station in Estartit was closed, and the Italian Coast Guard
had not been able to inspect it.
The Sellia Marina mast has been dismantled since then. I still have the
schematic diagrams of the transmitters, I had to restore them in
operation, but the project was cancelled. The extimated cost of the
transmitting tubes (mainly old glass triodes by ITT), to be purchased
to restore the transmitters and have a reserve for the network, was
then approx 1 million Euro.

So, R.I.P. chain 7990 :-(

73 - Marco IK1ODO

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