Hi Poul:

It looks like the noise floor is maybe 10 dB higher than the AMRAD

or 30 dB higher than the McKay Dymec active antenna.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
In message<4e5803cd.5020...@pacific.net>, Brooke Clarke writes:

My interest in active antennas is for the low frequency area where
quarter wave wire antennas are not practical.
That's why I built it:  Loran-C, DCF77, Rugby and HBG.

For HF you can't beat wire antennas.  Active antennas, either whip or
loop do not work as well as wire.
Well, strictly specking he same is true for low frequency, there are
terms in Maxwells equations which means that size matter.


PS: Danish blog-post w/ pictures of my build of Chris Trasks antenna:


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