Well it seems there are some time-nuts looking.

Here you have it, for the moment.

*BCT, Beam Current Transformer

*CCR, Cern's Control Room.

*cfc-ccr-ctpps, The front end (a PC running SC5 linux) where we have
installed the CTRI that logs the PPS comming from the PolarRx2e

*cfc-hca4-saos12. The front end where we do the BCT logging, it has a CTRI
and a DC110.

*CS4000, A cesium clock by symmetricom

*CTRI, control timing receiver, PCI format

*CTSYN, Takes the 10MHz and PPS from the XLi and regenerates a 40MHz and a

*DC110, Acquiris Scope

*HCA442, It is the hall where we have the CTRI tagging and the extraction
kicker pulse and the DC110 logging the BCT signal.

*PolarRx2e, A septentrio timing gps receiver

*SPS, Super Proton Synchroton

*XLi,  A symmetricom gps receiver

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