A cheap way to measure temperature that will also be a good learning exercise 
would be to use a Silabs Toolstick. Most of their chips have a built in 
temperature sensor and a demo ADC program that spits out the temperature over 
the serial port emulated USB interface.

The toolsticks are all about $10 and you need a Base Adapter that is $15 I 
believe. The tools are free (demo, size limited Keil compiler, or the free 
unlimited SDCC)

More info on my web site in the Wiki


Alternately, you can buy a USB temperature sensor on eBay for about $10 I 
believe, but you won't learn much by using it...

Didier KO4BB

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless thingy while I do other things...

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Rosenberg <ke...@rosenberg.net>
Sender: time-nuts-boun...@febo.com
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2011 09:03:56 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement<time-nuts@febo.com>
Reply-To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] [Solved] Looking for multiple PPS timestamp logging

On Oct 4, 2011, at 4:36 AM, Hal Murray wrote:
> In California, the diurnal temperature swings are big enough to be useful. :)

Here in New Mexico as well, useful or ruinous depending upon your application.
Hence, I believe, your smiley face above ;)

> The swing would be much bigger outside, especially with an open sky.

We thought about an outdoor light and temperature sensor when my son
considered measuring the stability of the PPS signal from a NetClock/2
WWVB receiver. But, we'll be measuring the temperature near the indoor XO.

> I was thinking of keeping track of when you expected each pulse to arrive 
> next and sleeping until a little before you expected the soonest one.  
> (Adjust "a little" by trial and error.)

Sure, and the solution becomes more interesting the more pulse lines that
are being polled.

> I agree that Tom's picPET will be a fine way to do it.  I was just playing 
> with how to do it with the parallel port.

I lot of fine ideas come from thought experiments.

> It's still an interesting question of how accurate you need to measure the 
> time.  That's probably a good one to work through with your son on the back 
> of an envelope.

I think so, too. So, my son will be learning more about stability, Allan
deviations, modified Allan deviations (which should be more useful for 
the number of averaging points over a month), and improving his exponent

Another statistic he'll be learning is the Pearson correlation coefficient
to compare temperature (probably in Kelvin) to the XO frequency. The more
precisely those are measured, the more likely the Pearson will reflect the
true correlation.

> How are you measuring temperature?

Good question, because we haven't completely solved that. We'll be using
a LM35CAH mounted next to the 32768 crystal and measuring the
voltage once a second.

What I haven't decided is whether to have my son use the 34401A and GPIB
polling via a Prologix adapter versus a simple MCU firmware using a 2.5V
reference voltage and a 10-12 bit ADC and outputs the ADC result either
once a second, or in response to a pulse (probably from the PPS of the XO).
The first has merits of accuracy and simplicity, but I prefer he use
more affordable devices than the 34401A in his experiment to even his 
project compared with other students. The latter has the advantage of 
price, but the disadvantage of me writing the firmware (though, the 
firmware is almost trivial). But again, I'd like him to be as 
independent as possible.

So, if you know of any simple ADC to UART firmwares available, that'd
be great so he can just reference someone else's code. The picPET
is a perfect device at the perfect time. But, we can't rely on tvb
to come up with a 'picADC' at a similarly serendipitous time.


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