How about a new thread with a more appropriate name to replace what was: "Clocking a PIC16F628A from a Rubidium Standard?"

I don't think anyone will be interfacing anything associated with their Rb standards directly to the AC line, except for unusual cases.

Regarding components: There are many resistors and capacitors rated for line voltage withstand capability. Line and safety rated resistors are typically specified as "flame-proof" or "fusible" - they will safely blow open without much material turning into a fireball. What you do not want to do is use small-bodied resistors to drop line voltage, regardless of the resistance value - the weakness is in the smallness - they can arc and light up. So, never use tiny or 1/4 W resistors of any type for this application - even a bunch in series (although this is sometimes done with SMT resistors in newer items).

A very common type used is a 1.0 to 4.7 megohm 1/2 W carbon composition. Believe it or not, you probably have one of these in most pieces of AV equipment with a two-wire power cord - it goes from the neutral (wide spade on the plug - in the US) to the chassis, which is at earth ground - your ground - to discharge static charge buildup. If the line is inadvertently reversed, the resistance limits the leakage current to a non-hazardous level. UL approved. Most of these resistors I have seen appear to be very cheap, poorly formed parts with 10 or 20 percent tolerance, although it's possible they use special body materials for the application. I prefer good quality 1 W carbon composition resistors for high-resistance line-dropping applications.

In the old days, the two-wire cords weren't polarized with the wider neutral spade, so the equipment manuals would say to try reversing the plug orientation if excessive of hum was encountered during initial hookups - this would put the resistor on the neutral side, reducing ground loop currents between the equipment. You had a 50-50 chance with each item.

So, never make a low impedance connection to neutral - treat it just like the line side because it can indeed be reversed.


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