On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Joe Leikhim <jleik...@leikhim.com> wrote:
> I have been watching this thread and may have missed something. My
> questions: What is the purpose of the outboard OCXO VECTRON 63.8976Mhz? What
> model number does this RB most closely resemble?

I can understand one seller just tossing in a useless 63.8976Mhz part
but notice the EVERY seler is tossing in the same 63.8976Mhz part.
This tells me tha one of two things is going on:

(1) threre really is only one seller and he is using multiple eBay acounts or
(2) there is one supplier who is provides these kits in bulk to
several people who then resell the kits on ebay.  The people who are
selling may not even know the  63.8976Mhz part is useless.

Also notice the photo that shows "my lab" and has the stack of test
equipment is exactly the same photo in a dozen eBay accounts.

My guess about all of this:  One person is selling a "get rich quick"
scheme to others.   He sets you up then sells you bulk items with
pre-written English language descriptions and photo.   Likely he is
also the person who buys the old cell towers and dismantles the parts
 Why else are all the eBay stores so identical?

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

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