Hi all,

*"Have each face of each cube contain an LED digit display.
They are battery powered."*

I would supply all individual cubs by an internal "3-axes" coil and induced
or contactles power transfer system...


2011/12/17 Brooke Clarke <bro...@pacific.net>

> Hi Nevelle:
> Have each face of each cube contain an LED digit display.
> They are battery powered.
> If one is rolled like a dice an accelerometer (or better set of ball in a
> tube sensors) knows where the top and bottom faces are and so they are not
> to be turned on.
> There's an assumption that after all six have been rolled someone will
> push them together into a sort of tight row.
> To sense that they are now grouped into a row you use one LED on the four
> possible active faces to measure the light.
> There are two possible answers, either three faces are open (an end cube)
> or two faces are open (a middle cube).
> If a cube is an end it blinks an LED on the dark face with the I'm an end
> pattern.
> If a cube is a middle cube it looks for a blinking LED.
> When a middle cube sees a blinking LED it makes note of the code.
> It remembers the code it's seen and adds one to it and blinks the opposite
> face unless the code is saying "in 4" meaning that the cube seeing this is
> the tail cube.
> Now each cube has two IDs which is as it should be.  After a head end cube
> has received an "in 4" message then it knows it's also a tail end cube.
> When the time is displayed the 10 hours digit will be on the face of a
> starting cube that's CW from the adjacent cube when looking down on the
> string.
> If the cubes are numbered 1 to 6 left to right then the 10 hours digit
> will be on the 1 (left most) cube and on the front face.
> When looking at the back of the string, i.e. cubes 6 to 1. the 10 hours
> digit will be on the 6 cube on the left facing to the back.
> At this point the cubes assume they know where they are but they also know
> that they may be rearranged so . .
> cube 1 not only displays the current 10 hour digit it also sends the
> position message to cube 2 and makes the light measurements to confirm that
> it's still an end cube.
> If these fail then the cube un registers both it's IDs and we got back to
> the top.
> If the tests pass (cubes are still in order) then cube 1 sends the 1 hour
> time to cube 2.  Cube 2 displays it and does the "have I been moved test"
> as above, if not it sends the 10 minutes message to cube 3, etc. etc.
> It may be possible to detect movement with other sensors, such ball in a
> tube making it easier to tell when that's happened.  In any case when any
> cube knows that it has been moved it can cry out by blinking the LEDs on
> all faces in a we're being moved pattern.
> Have Fun,
> Brooke Clarke
> http://www.PRC68.com
> http://www.**end2partygovernment.com/**Brooke4Congress.html<http://www.end2partygovernment.com/Brooke4Congress.html>
> Neville Michie wrote:
>> At this time of the year many people look for frivolous puzzles to solve.
>> My puzzle is to design a clock.
>> This clock consists of 6 cubes, each has a digit display on one face.
>> It does not matter how you arrange them, if they are in a line they will
>> display the
>> right time. (there may also be a nearby box containing a Rb or GPS time
>> standard.)
>> A second or two may be needed for them to reorganise if they are moved.
>> It must be possible to design them, but an elegant design has eluded me.
>> Merry Solstice,
>> Neville Michie
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