It turns out that I unfairly maligned the 1992 (and the 9462 oscillator, option 04E) when I accused it of poor oscillator "settability." I was inspired by the recent discussions to have another crack at mine, and they can, in fact, be set very accurately. One of mine has been reading "000.000000 E-3" for about 24 hours now, hooked to a Thunderbolt and using the 10-second gate. The other has been toggling between "999.999999 E-3" and "000.000000 E-3." (This is how mine are used --- perpetually reading the shop standards to give an independent reality check on their condition.)

Walking the oscillators to 0 is tedious and time-consuming, but not difficult. I think I must not have been sufficiently patient in the past. The fine adjustment has detents -- if you adjust it slowly, you can count the clicks. On both of mine, each click adjusts the oscillator frequency about 3 mHz (CW lowers the oscillator frequency/raises the displayed frequency). Interestingly, when you are close to zero and adjusting the oscillator only a few clicks at a time, it takes off in the opposite direction and peaks at a MUCH greater offset than the eventual increment, then returns and overshoots in the direction of the adjustment (again, quite a bit further than the eventual increment), and finally settles to its new value, with another cycle or two of smaller +/- overshoots around the final value. It takes at least 1/2 hour to settle within a count or two of the eventual final value, and several hours before you can be confident that it has settled to its new value.

Best regards,


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