
After posting a few days ago about one of my '5680A's having the voltage converter installed - but not connected - I've done a bit of reverse-engineering and sleuthing around and (probably) have a fairly complete picture of what it would take to populate that section of the board. That information may be found here:


This page is a work in progress, using my LPRO-101 page as a template and unashamedly stealing a good chunk of its content - most of which is directly applicable, anyway!

Note that I haven't done the board population myself and there *may* be additional jumpers that need to be added/removed - or, as I suggest, one could avoid that problem and simply connect to known V+ and +5 volt points instead.

If you happen to have one of those boards with the installed (but not connected) regulator, information is also included on which two jumpers I needed to add to enable it: Again, YMMV, DNTHFB, etc...

If anyone populates their own board, please let me know how it worked out.

I add this mostly out of interest expressed by a few others that emailed me. It's no doubt far easier/cheaper to simply add an outboard 7805 (or switching converter) than populate the board, but hey, why not?



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