On 1/9/2012 8:58 AM, Robert Benward wrote:
Hi Ed,
I just tracked down Fluke and he offered me one, and per your advice I will try and confirm the condition before purchasing from him (not that there are alternate sources) .

I have to say that fluke.l did guarantee that the E1938A was alive and it was. According to other messages on this list, he's been very good about replacing defective items.

I have the schematics, but taking apart the hocky puck is another matter, I pry and pry but get nowhere. I don't think it was designed to take apart. What buggs me is that if I warm up the oven and stimulate the oscillator with an external signal, it will oscillate. So it DOES work, and if I go into the puck to trouble shoot it, I probably won't find anything defective.

Are you certain that the problem is inside the puck? If I'm reading the schematic correctly, the only thing in there are the crystal and a few passive components. The oscillator circuit is on the external board. A bad connection or failed component could be interfering with the oscillation. When the puck is hot, it's almost able to overcome the external problem and your stimulus signal is enough to get it going.

When your E1938A is working, is it working properly, on frequency and good stability? If so, that would suggest that the crystal is okay. The problem could be nothing more serious than a bad solder joint. I've noticed that precision oscillators have something of a 'diva' personality and can be quite temperamental. I have an Oscilloquartz BVA oscillator that takes 5 - 10 seconds to start up after you apply power.

Have you asked Rick Karlquist for advice on dissecting your E1938A? He's an active member of this list and one of the designers of the E1938A. You might want to start a new message thread called something like 'E1938A repair' to get the attention of the right people.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Ed Palmer" <ed_pal...@sasktel.net>
To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" <time-nuts@febo.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2012 10:07 PM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] HP Z3817A Reverse Engineering

Hi Bob,

I bought mine on eBay from fluke.l for about $114 (including shipping). I don't know if he has any more.

He didn't get positive feedback from me. His pictures showed a reasonable, used unit. The unit he shipped was dented badly enough that it was slightly crushed and appeared to have been out in the rain. It does work, but the E1938 seems to be taking a long time to settle down. I hope the crystal wasn't damaged when it took the hit that dented the case. There is no physical damage to any of the boards. I've dealt with him before and was surprised and disappointed that he didn't describe the condition better. Buyer beware.

As for your 'lazy' E1938, have you grabbed the schematics and circuit description from

http://www.prc68.com/I/HPE1938.shtml ?


On 1/8/2012 5:58 PM, Robert Benward wrote:
Hi Ed,
May I ask where did you get your STLN4096A and what you paid for it? Do they have any more?

My E1938 recently crapped out. If I put a substitute 10MHz near the first buffer, the PIC processor comes alive, then I can remove the 10MHz and it begins to oscillate on it's own. I can quickly recycle power and it still oscillates. Let it cool down and I need to repeat the "stimulus" procedure. Anybody have any ideas?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Ed Palmer" <ed_pal...@sasktel.net>
To: "Time-Nuts" <time-nuts@febo.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2012 12:20 PM
Subject: [time-nuts] HP Z3817A Reverse Engineering

I recently purchased a Motorola STLN4096A with the HP E1938A oscillator. I bought it for the oscillator only.

Then I got intrigued by the HP Z3817A GPSDO that's included. I've reverse engineered most of it and I've got it running. The 1 PPS is really good ( 1000 measurements, Std. Dev. of <200 ps, min to max range of <1.5 ns) and the HUP is very slowly dropping (currently at 13 us after ~1.5 days) as the oscillator works out the kinks after it's long sleep. It's dropping much slower than my Z3801A did when I first turned it on.

There's one input that I haven't been able to figure out. I've got data in and 1 PPS in from the GPS receiver. Everything seems to be working so I'm at a loss what that the other input could be for. There are no clues to it's function because it appears to go into one of the Xilinx chips.

Does anyone have any more info on the unit? Has anyone figured out the other input?

I have searched the net and the archives. There's very little info or discussion on this unit.


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