This looks good.   A little late for me.   I'm using two perf-boards.
 One for power for the I/O.

For power I found a 15V "medical grade" power supply at All
Electronics.  They also sell a 1A EIEC power input filter that is
pre-wired with a connector that fits the both the supply and a fuse
holder.  It's pure luck that the wire harnes works.   the PS is $11,
the IEC filter is $0.50 anf the fuse holder under $1.   Then I use a
LM7805 for the 5V supply.  Digikey has the same PS for just under $40.

Radio shack sells a 100uH 2.5 amp choke for $1.50.   I put one of
these and some 0.1uF caps on the incoming power but I don't know it
that helps much.

Had I known about your board I've have used it and a 18 or 19V
notebook computer power supply.    But the package from All is easy
and they ship fast.

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 1:09 AM, gonzo . <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> like many on the list I picked up one of the current
>  batch of cheap EF-5608A's.
> Not being clear where I would end up using it, I laid
>  out a breakout board to make it easy to play with on the bench, but with the
>  expectation that it would remain attached when I got around to mounting the 
> Rb
>  in a box (or where ever).
> In summary, I've used two VRegs:
> -
>  LM1084Adj for 15V (pin compatible with LM317, but rated for 5A) and an
>  AMS1117-5 for the 5V.
> - The regs can be fed individually or jumpered to run
>  the 1117 from 15V. This works, but both regs run fairly hot.
> - 1PPS and LD
>  are brought out to individual headers.
> - 10MHz has an SMA.
> - RS232 is
>  given its own D9 wired for 2, 3, & 5 (TX, RX, Gnd) for a standard
>  cable.
> In the process of laying out the board, I discovered another
>  "undocumented feature" of this batch of '5680A. For reasons unknown, the D9 
> is
>  3.5mm (1/8") higher than shown on the data sheet. Normally this would not
>  matter, but I'd positioned the connector on the PCB maintaining the low
>  profile. Not a big deal, but irritating all the same.
> Having read
>  several tales of woe resulting in blown components. I thought I'd offer my
>  spare boards in the hope of keeping the smoke where it belongs.
> I've got 9
>  remaining PCBs and the last of the components should arrive in a week or
>  so.
> The cost for a complete kit is aud$10 and $5 for DX postage. I have no
>  idea what level of interest (if any) there will be, but I can always order
>  more boards if there is a demand.
> One thing to note is that this board
>  is designed for the current batch of FE-5680A with the following pinout:
> 1.
>  +15V (~1800mA cold: ~800mA hot)
> 2. Gnd
> 3. Rb Lock (lock = low)
> 4. +5V
>  (~85mA)
> 5. Gnd
> 6. 1PPS (high until Rb Lock goes low)
> 7. 10Mhz
> 8.
>  RS323-RX
> 9. RS232-TX
> Please contact me off list if you are
>  interested.
> Cheers,
> ian
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Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

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