> I don't see how the thread was hijacked. I hit reply, but cleared the
> subject line and text in the original message.

You didn't cleanup the headers.  Your message contained:

References: <
In-reply-to: <

> No other forums have issues with this. 

There are two ways to do threading.  One is by Subject.   The other is by 
headers like the above.  Some mail systems use one, some use the other.  If 
most of the people in a group/forum/list use software that does it by Subject 
there might not be anybody who notices and complains when a thread gets 

If you want to send a message to a list/group/whatever, it's just as easy to 
hit Compose and cut/paste the target address as it is to hit Reply and clean 
out the junk.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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