I used the equation of time and the audio from wwvb to align loop
antennae to n/s and e/w using the shadow of one vertical arm on t'other
at local noon. Worked amazingly well.

Neville Michie
> For those unfamiliar with horology,  look at the Wikipedia under
> "equation of time"
> This is the relationship between solar time and the average or "mean
> time".
> It is mainly the sum of two sine functions, one of 6 months frequency
> the other
> one year. Amplitude 16 - 17 minutes.
> This function allows a mean time clock to show the time of noon each
> day (passage of the Sun
> through the meridian)
> cheers,
> Neville Michie
> On 24/01/2012, at 3:59 PM, J. Forster wrote:
>> At the solstices, the derivative of the declination goes through just
>> about to zero, just like a sine wave.
>> -John
>> ==============
>>> It might be useful to determine the rate of the sun's movement at
>>> the ends of the analemma.
>>> There is a passage grave north of Dublin, Ireland, that has a long
>>> passage from a shadow box above the entrance to a spiral carving on
>>> the rear wall. Light shines on the carving at the winter solstice.
>>> The waiting list to see this event fills up with New Agers about a
>>> year before the event. I asked our guide if that wasn't very hard
>>> on people who could only see the event on one day if that day was
>>> cloudy. "Oh, no," she said. "The event happens for 3-4 days on
>>> either side of the solstice."
>>> Of course, a passage grave is not the same as a shadow cast by a
>>> fine wire on a microscope. It might take a few years to locate it
>>> properly.
>>> Are there any timenuts that want to be buried in a passage grave?
>>> Bill Hawkins
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Chris Albertson
>>> Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 8:40 PM
>>> On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 6:07 PM, J. Forster <j...@quikus.com> wrote:
>>>>> I think you'd want a slit, not a pin hole.  The pin hole would be
>>>>> better but it would only work one day a year.
>>>> Actually two days per year, unless it was adjusted for the summer or
>>>> winter solstice, then it'd be one.
>>> I still think it is "one".  because there are not an integer
>>> number of
>>> days per year so you don't get and exact repeat in 6 months.
>>> Maybe a
>>> pin hole would only work once ever?  I don't know.  To "work" the
>>> pinhole has to exactly line up with the detector at the exact same
>>> time of day.
>>> But I'm not liking slits either because I can't see how to adjust
>>> them
>>> to exact vertical.
>>> I'm back to the first thing I thought of,  a wire with a large
>>> weight.
>>>  Then you measure the light curve as shadow of the wire sweeps over
>>> the detector.
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Ghost in the Shell

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