On Wed, 01 Feb 2012 09:07:23 -0500
John Ackermann N8UR <j...@febo.com> wrote:

> There've been numerous threads on the Gnuradio mailing list about code 
> to receive GPS using the Ettus Research USRP hardware.  I don't know 
> whether anyone has actually made it work, but it appears that it's been 
> the subject of quite a few academic projects.

Yes, i know. That's one of the reasons i said it was not too difficult.
But i have yet to see a project that builds a GPS receiver based on
the USRP with complete source. There was the gps-sdr project a few
years back that was quite advanced, but somewhen in time it just disapeared
from the net and was never seen again. All others i've seen sofar
are either functionally incomplete or do not provide the complete source.

Piecing all the code snipets together that are floating around is
probably more work then writing something from scratch. At least
there is enough documentation around. There are nomerous books on
how GPS works and also quite a few specificaly on how to build
GPS receivers. If you have access to IEEE papers, then you have
a huge pool on problems building GPS receivers and how to solve them.

                        Attila Kinali

Why does it take years to find the answers to
the questions one should have asked long ago?

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