On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 4:45 AM, Bob Camp <li...@rtty.us> wrote:
> Hi
> Another way to build an analog phase detector...
> Next layer on the onion is how to get the sawtooth correction out of the GPS 
> and into your loop.

Assuming you have a uP in the loop the sawtooth is easy the GPS sends
the value out it's serial port.

I think a sample and hold could work as well as a time to voltage but
the sample and hold that can work a 10Mhz will not be a cheap part
while time to voltage cane made from parts many people already have
and if not none of the part cost even 50 cents.

I'm weeks away form getting this to work, today I hope to complete a
fan controller to temperature control the box the Rb. lives in.

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

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