The theodolite is not a problem, I use a distant street lamp (4Km away) as a referred object (RO) to set azimuth, and with the usual levelling it takes moments to set the co-ordinates of a chosen star. The RO is observed by one of several methods to get a good azimuth. It is chosen to be visible by day or night. Then I listen to the clock ticks and watch the star cross the graticule. The star co-ordinates are from an ephemeris.
You can repeat with the same star or others at later times.
I have not looked at the sidereal time on Lady Heather yet, I was unaware of it.

cheers, Neville Michie

On 02/03/2012, at 10:14 PM, mike cook wrote:

Le 02/03/2012 05:13, Neville Michie a écrit :

A possible solution is to take mean time (from a TBolt 10MHz) and divide it by 9,972,695.7 to give a PPS(sid) signal that can run a digital clock dial and give one second(sid) ticks to phase the pendulum. It may be simpler to divide by 9,972,696 to stay with integer division and have an error in the order of a second per annum. (which we have from leap seconds anyway). TVB made some picDIV chips with a synch pin that do a similar task, but have I got the number correct?
  number looks ok , at least according to the usual sources.
and are there other nuts that would like to add a sidereal clock to their clock vaults to make it worth while to make such a chip?
Yup, I guess that would be a useful extension to the code. You would just need to change the delays to fit a 2493174 instruction count for a 10MHz input.
If I set up the sidereal clock then I can use my theodolite to check time against the stars.
More of a challenge I think. Harrison is reported to have used occultation by buildings from a known observation point. It would be probably be easier than keeping a theodolite precisely orientated over long periods of time.
Neville Michie

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