Thomas, where did you buy your CW-12? AFAIK, the Motorola version of the CW-12 is a 'special order' item. You can only buy the NMEA version. If you did buy the NMEA version, ask their tech support for the Motorola firmware. They sent it to me and I flashed it with no problem.

If you decide not to use the CW-12 in your Commsync and think you might like to play with the 10 MHz output, there was an issue with the frequency of that output. Search the archives for details. I can provide the updated firmware that resolves the issue.


On 3/23/2012 7:36 PM, Tom Knox wrote:
I have already bite the bullet, After reading the manual I thought it was worth 
a try. It should arrive Tuesday. So next week I will post what I find.
Thomas Knox

Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 19:17:06 -0600
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] CW12-TIM

Sorry Thomas.  I don't know a thing about the Commsync II.  See what you
can dig out of the manuals.  Ultimately, you might have to bite the
bullet and buy a CW12 to try it.  Sometimes that's the only way to find out.


On 3/23/2012 6:10 PM, Tom Knox wrote:
Thanks Ed, My Commsync has the LPN clean up oscillator option do you think that 
will clean up the sawtooth?

Thomas Knox

Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 16:56:50 -0600
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] CW12-TIM

Yes, the CW12-TIM was designed as a drop-in replacement for the M12+.
Search the archives and you'll find out more about it.  One thing to
note is that the CW12-TIM doesn't support sawtooth correction so the 1
PPS may or may not be an improvement over the M12+.


On 3/23/2012 3:16 PM, Tom Knox wrote:
Hi Group;
Has anyone played with the CW12-TIM? I am hoping it is a plug and play 
replacement for the M12+ in my Commsync II with better performance.
Is there any other product I should look at?

Thomas Knox

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