Several comments
Great pix with the right level of detail to actually see and analyze stuff.
Second what a find you have there. A real mans RB nothing small about the
gas cells.

Good also to see many what I consider to be common components of the late
60s and 70s. Also I noticed little or no over heated board components. A
lot of the lpro type RBs I have fixed are do to over heated components. Not
in this case it seems.
The color of the lamp is way off to my thinking and what I have seen. That
color tends to be from a non heated RB. But I need to be very careful with
that comment. Perhaps the gas mixtures simply a bit different and so the
color would be different. Also its not as bright as I might expect.
Noting the various components its quite possible they have drifted in
value. Like the transistors thats an age that they would tend to do that
over 30-40 years.

Lastly your bench
Nothing like a bench jammed with Stuff. Comfortable.
Sorry to say I have seen those pins and have no clue how you might find
them. Hamfest flea market stuff?

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 2:43 PM, Ed Palmer <ed_pal...@sasktel.net> wrote:

> First, I'd like to thank Magnus, Joe, Paul, and Ed for taking the time to
> provide answers, ideas, and challenges to my assumptions.  It has all been
> very helpful.  I'm still working on it so I don't have a resolution yet.
> Second, pictures.  If anyone is interested, check out
> http://s701.photobucket.com/**albums/ww18/edpalmer42/Tracor%**20304-B/<http://s701.photobucket.com/albums/ww18/edpalmer42/Tracor%20304-B/>.
> Third, I'd like to build an extender board, but I can't find the
> connectors.  The contacts are called Varicon and are used both on circuit
> boards and in connectors.  The connector version is available, but I can't
> find the board version.  The last picture in the above gallery shows a
> close-up of the connectors.  They were available in regular and mini
> versions.  I need the regular ones that stand about 4.3 mm high.  The minis
> are about 3.5 mm high and won't mate with the regular ones.  New ones could
> be loose or spaced out on a plastic strip to make installation easier.
> Fourth, I'm currently working on the cavity tuning.  Does anyone know of a
> document or research paper that discusses cavity sizes for Rb standards -
> preferably with equations?  I found this document:
> http://www.alcatel-lucent.com/**bstj/vol25-1946/articles/**
> bstj25-3-408.pdf<http://www.alcatel-lucent.com/bstj/vol25-1946/articles/bstj25-3-408.pdf>
> that talks about cavities in general, but the calculations don't work.
>  I'm guessing that the Rb cell is changing the resonant frequency of the
> cavity.
> Thanks,
> Ed
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