On 6/12/2012 2:48 PM, Mark Sims wrote:
I saw a similar DAC jump when I replaced the SMB pigtail to my board.   The 
unit went into a brief holdover and came out with a shift in the dac vaue.   I 
would try wiggling the coax connection (without moving the board) and also 
gently tapping around the board (maybe start with the oscillator can) with a 
screwdriver handle to see if anything causes an upset.


Interesting. I just picked it up gently and rotated it through 90 degrees. This has produced another 1.5 mV DAC step and corresponding temporary jumps in the PPs and Temp traces.

I seem to recall much bigger effects than this when adjusting ovens like the 10811 which I always would try to adjust in the orientation that they were to be finally used in, so I really shouldn't be surprised.


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