hi Edgardo,

The best one in that price range is probably the PRS-10 from SRS. New it's 
about $1500, sometimes they go used for $500 if you can find one they are very 
desirable. Can be locked to an external GPS, a huge plus. Their tube is 
designed for 20+ years lifetime.

Has excellent ADEV and phase noise.

As an external Gps consider a Motorola/iLotus M12M receiver. That combo is a 
professional level system, and with a bit of tinkering you can even implement 
sawtooth correction as described in the time nuts archives.

Total cost used: under $700 with power supplies and enclosure.. But may require 
some patience and research to find one.

Don't touch the cesium beam units unless you can get a guarantee and someone 
can tell you how much cesium remains in them, most of them have depleted tubes 
that cannot be refilled and cost more than a small car to replace with a new 


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On Jun 30, 2012, at 8:41, Edgardo Molina <xe1...@amsat.org> wrote:

> Dear Don,
> Good morning. Like probably many others, owning or collecting nice pieces of 
> equipment probably drove me to consider an HP unit, instead of wisely doing 
> some research on more specific and technically feasible options. The search 
> is only beginning. Your advise is welcome. Thank you.
> Best regards,
> Edgardo Molina
> On Jun 30, 2012, at 3:05 AM, Don Latham wrote:
>> Edgardo: For the asking price, you can do a LOT better than this Hp.
>> There will be more opinions from more knowledgeable time-nuts regarding
>> your choices, I would consider them carefully. Again, you do not need to
>> spend anything like $1k US to get what you need.
>> Don
>> Edgardo Molina
>>> Dear Group,
>>> Good morning. I wish you well. This is my first post to the Time-Nuts
>>> group. Please be gentle with the newbie ;)
>>> I have been offered an HP 5065a Rubidium Frequency Standard recently
>>> in what I feel, a bad operational condition. I need a reliable
>>> rubidium standard for my time/frequency experiments, still I am in
>>> doubt to invest in buying such and old beast. The general situation of
>>> the instrument (for what I have been able to see from the first
>>> inspection) is:
>>> 100 Khz output: Not working, noise coming out of it.
>>> 1Mhz output: Working, sine wave clean and not distorted, a couple of
>>> frequency meters showing 1.0000030 Mhz in frequency, the oscilloscope
>>> shows a transient pulse on top of the sine wave signal and affecting
>>> the frequency readout instantly and then returning to the value
>>> previously mentioned. Last digits vary sporadically.
>>> 5Mhz output: Working. sine wave clean but a little bit distorted when
>>> ramping up. A couple of frequency counters showing 5.0000014 Mhz in
>>> frequency. No transient pulses or other glitches around the output
>>> signal. Last digits vary sporadically.
>>> No lights coming up when the instrument turned on. No physical damage
>>> of abuse on case or internal components. No options installed . A
>>> couple of electrolytic caps replaced on some boards, no trace of burnt
>>> PCB traces or visible damage to electronic components or physics
>>> package. Haven't got the manual until today and was unable to check on
>>> the front panel voltages to check on general health. As turning the
>>> voltage test selector knob, voltage is shown for most positions,
>>> except of course battery and the 100 Khz oscillator output. Some
>>> voltage test positions get the instrument needle to go full scale and
>>> out of range, other appear to be within scale.
>>> I can perform a second visual and operational inspection today, this
>>> time with a copy of the instrument manual. I will take my own trusted
>>> frequency counter and portable digital storage oscilloscope. Would
>>> really appreciate if I could receive comments from you experts to
>>> evaluate if such a unit could be worth buying. The asking price is $1K
>>> USD. Should I consider it an instrument that can be repaired and
>>> serviced to show some decent performance? Or should I look somewhere
>>> else to get a decent rubidium frequency standard.
>>> Thank you beforehand for all your kind and expert comments.
>>> Respectfully,
>>> Edgardo Molina
>>> Mexico City, Mexico
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>> -- 
>> "Neither the voice of authority nor the weight of reason and argument
>> are as significant as experiment, for thence comes quiet to the mind."
>> R. Bacon
>> "If you don't know what it is, don't poke it."
>> Ghost in the Shell
>> Dr. Don Latham AJ7LL
>> Six Mile Systems LLP
>> 17850 Six Mile Road
>> POB 134
>> Huson, MT, 59846
>> VOX 406-626-4304
>> www.lightningforensics.com
>> www.sixmilesystems.com
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