This was such a crazy event that I have to share this with somebody.


I started to notice an odd smell in the ham shack/lab yesterday night.

Now we had a bad weather storm and was one of 2.5 Million homes

without AC power for 5 days.  So the generators were pressed into

service and kept the lab cool with a 9,000BTU room air conditioner.


My first thought was mold in the temporary A/C unit. But after the

family came home from church it was very clear that it was much

worse than a simple mold issue. It was the smell of a dead rodent.

It had to be. I recognized it by then.


So the hunt was on!  Where was the dead mouse or mole that

one of our cats must have dragged in through the pet door?


The astute may already know the answer:  In the bottom of a

rack where an HP-5061A lives was not only the typical “dust

bunnies” that often collect in such areas…….BUT……..
there was also a dead rabbit! 


BTW….All 3 cats have been interviewed and none will admit to

being involved in any way.



-Brian, WA1ZMS/4

Forest, VA ßwhere the AC mains are back on and the venting

of the shack/lab continues with an outside air temp of 38C.

No kidding!  What’s worse the heat or the smell? Both will kill




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