Nope,  if implemented properly it works VERY well.   No ADEV humps,  no 
vibration induced spurs,  no commutator EMI,  no power supply garbage.   

Lady Heather's PID PWMs the fan to control the speed.  It is not a bang-bang 
controller.   You should baffle the air flow so that it does not impinge 
directly on the unit.  I have the tbolt sitting on a piece of waffle foam in 
the box...  gives very good vibration isolation,  but even without it I saw no 
fan related noise/spurs.   Proper power supply filtering for the fan power 
might be useful,  but I see no coupling on mine.

As the Wise Man said...  one experiment is worth 1000 opinions.

Sorry guys, but using a fan on a thunderbolt is nuts. Not time nuts.            
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