Dear Ron,

Good morning. I just finished rebuilding a not so beaten 5065a. The physics 
package is ok. It is one of the later units. I had to spend several weeks 
working on power supplies, regulators and changing every single capacitor on 
the boards for security matters as no capacitor was showing the required specs. 
After that I replaced an IC commonly available, several transistors, cleaned 
inside-out and voila! It is working as good as new. Well I think I am 
exaggerating a little bit, but I still hold the hight spirits for it to perform 
like this for the years to come. Or should I say months? Knock on wood. 

Once repaired I went to the cosmetics, I got matched beige paint to cover some 
dings and small scratches. Cleaned everything with Windex and a toothbrush 
don't get along and even if the physics package is completely sealed please do 
not take any chances.

After that I used Scotch 3M dish cleaner sponge with the green abrasive felt to 
clean and renew the appearance of the aluminium trim. It looks like new. A 
little Dremel soft polishing wheel and all the screw heads are like new, also 
connectors to keep everything in original state. For the main control and 
adjustment area I used a jeweller silver cleaning cloth. It is very soft on 
delicate metallic surfaces and cleans/shines at the same time. In short I got a 
new looking unit.

I payed less than $800 USD for it along with spare parts, cleaning material and 
a visit to my electronics guru who guided me through testing of the oscillator 
and checking everything to original specs in his lab. 

I love having the 5065a. It is just a fine toy which also gives pride of 
ownership. Best if it is performing like it should. I wish I could find another 
one. Better equipped. Mine is barebones without any option. I still have to get 
the Bendix looking DC power connector to use a decent DC battery backup. My 
model is also the one that could use the digital led clock on the right hand 
side of the instrument. I bought an HP 59309a digital clock to match it and 
finally see some integrated frequencies as time.

If you need any other information I could possibly share, please feel free to 
contact me anytime. There is a lot of expertise in this fine group for HP 
rubidiums. I bet Corby Dawson could jump into the scene. He has been very kind 
to me offering his experience in 5065a repair and reconstruction. I better keep 
his contact information close to the night table in case nightmares visit me 

Cheers and please share your experiences whenever you are ready to take the 


Edgardo Molina
Dirección IPTEL

T : 55 55 55202444
M : 04455 20501854

Piensa en Bits SA de CV

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On Aug 28, 2012, at 9:57 PM, "Ron Ward" <> wrote:

> Hi:
> I have been thinking about purchasing a HP5065A Rubidium Frequency Standard.
> Are all of the "critical" parts still available for them?
> What is a reasonable price for one?
> What usually goes wrong with them?
> Would I be better off  to just purchase a SRS PRS-10?
> Any ideas and input would be greatly appreciated!!!
> Thanks,
> Ron
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