Hello All -

I do not believe there is a hard Yes or No answer for this question.
It depends upon the performance specification of the system elements
and the system requirements.

For instance if the leakage of noise and discrete signals from each receiver out of the antenna port combined with the port to port isolation of the power divider is below the level of harm to the associated receivers then the answer is yes.
Otherwise NO.

The issue of antenna power is simply solved by placing a DC block in the line from the splitter to all but one of the receivers. It then powers the antenna for all of them. I use this system with a 3 way splitter and 3 T bolts. More elaborate and redundant schemes are possible with a bit of engineering.

I have several of the receivers developed by Novatel for the early WASS project experiments.
These boxes used 3 receivers as both L1 and L2 were involved.

A standard Mini Circuits power splitter was employed to feed the antenna to all 3. Apparently that
sufficed for what was a pretty demanding requirement.

Finally - Anyone advocating a hard Yes or No to this question without first considering the performance numbers for the system elements has been smoking their view-graphs. With proper design it is totally
feasible to feed a number of receivers from one antenna.

-john k6iql

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