Dear Group,

Good afternoon. I just realized that my two HP 5065As have been running for 
about a month and their operation has been closely monitored. Now I assume both 
clocks are stabilized. I want to start doing some phase and time comparisons 
between them and with respect of a TrueTime 5 MHz GPS receiver signal. I only 
have an old Tracor 895A linear phase/time comparator for this purpose. Luckily 
it has 5 MHz as a frequency input.  At least it will allow me to get close to a 
decent synchronization as I continue searching for better measurement 
instruments. Next week I will be receiving my first HP 53132A and Prologix 
GPIB-USB interface to start characterising my clocks and doing Allan Deviation 

My question here is how to finely adjust the 5065A frequency to bring it in 
phase to the 5 MHz GPS derived signal. I read somewhere that it can be fine 
tuned using the C Field control, but I am afraid of moving it as both controls 
have been set to each instrument's factory values. My oscillator fine frequency 
adjustment pots are set to 250 and locked there as per manual recommendation. 
May I get some advise as which is the best procedure to adjust these clocks to 
start matching them regularly to GPS reference? I just don't want to mess with 
the clocks during the process.

Also related to my previous question, is it common to use phase shifters with 
the 5065A not to touch the frequency standard adjustments? I saw NMIs using 
them to adjust Cs clock time scales without touching the Cs adjustments.

I would like to explore some interesting possibilities as a byproduct of this 
enterprise. Is anybody interested in common (all in) view GPS clock comparisons 
with me? I just learned the pro way of doing it at CENAM over the last couple 
of days during the symposia of time and frequency that I had the luck to 
attend. With some coordination there has to be a way to reproduce those 
experiences here, not only as isolated comparisons, but continuous periodic 
measurements. Probably automated in the future. I am afraid we will not be able 
to achieve legal traceability to UTC, as we are not doing this directly with an 
NMI or following a legal traceability chain to it. Or am I wrong? Does anybody 
has direct legal traceability using common view GPS with an NMI? Despite this, 
we could still build a network of inter comparisons using GPS as a way to 
continuously monitor our labs performance, just as the SIM network headed by 
NIST, NRC and CENAM do across the american continent NMIs. 

If the idea is welcome, please answer to the thread. I am more than 
enthusiastic. If there are currently efforts to achieve this, please accept my 
apologies for the lack of knowledge in the group's work. Still I would like to 
cooperate if possible. Other comments regarding feasibility and technical 
implications are surely welcome.

By the way, while attending the symposia, I noticed with pride that the 
Time-Nuts community is highly regarded among the crème de la crème Time and 
Frequency circles. Thank you all for allowing me to participate with the group.

Thank you!

Best regards, 

Edgardo Molina

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