I try to keep the Time-Nuts intro page (www.leapsecond.com/time-nuts.htm) 
current. If there are omissions, please let me know. If you are a newcomer to 
the list, please see the resources there.

There is no shortage of information on the internet. In particular there are 
some extremely good online tutorials for experts and newcomers to the field of 
time & frequency. For anyone serious, there are also a number of excellent 
books that are well worth borrowing or buying.

What is needed is probably not another wiki or even a FAQ, but for people, 
especially newcomers, to contribute to the list by documenting what they have 
done, so that the next person to join the list can learn from their experience.

For example, with this thread in mind, if Edgardo were to document all he 
learns about his 5065A or Sarah were to take the time to document everything 
she learns about her TBolt -- that's how the knowledge-base grows.

It doesn't often matter to me if that information resides on personal servers, 
or a KO4BB wiki, or as occasional postings to the time-nuts mailing list. 
Google does the work of finding it regardless. The key point is that people 
take the time to document and share what they've learned so google has 
something interesting to find.


time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
and follow the instructions there.

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