Hi Bert,

What kind or sort of documentation is needed?

PC layout?
software / firmware documentation?

I've been programming PICs intermittently for 10+ years. Some of my projects use 2 or 4 line LCD displays. I have given other microcontrollers a short test spin.

I've also done some Verilog with the Altera DE0 nano board (Cyclone IV EP4CE22F17), a period counter that used an internal PLL to boost the hardware 50 MHz to 300 MHz for better resolution. Also FPGA for software defined radio signal processing (Cyclone III).

Dave McQuate

On 11/19/2012 2:28 PM, ewkeh...@aol.com wrote:

Allow me to put all this in  perspective. Three years ago having just
joined time-nuts I started to be  interested in Dual Mixers. Having CS and Rb my
main interest was and still is  low noise signal generators and I have all
the HP equipment for those  measurements. Did my first Shera Rb about 2000
and a few more since. Time was  not and still is not much of an interest my
best time instrument is a modified  PICTIC II.
Starting with the original NBS paper  I came to the conclusion that the
major cost would be the counter, something I  would have very little use for,
for other projects since I am well equipped up  to 40 GHz. That is when I
came up with the idea of what I call a ping pong  counter a counter that counts
every period, sort of pseudo time stamping. Back  of an envelop calculation
and I went on the list stating that I think a $  200  D/M system not
counting OCXO’s  was doable. What was needed was help with the PIC codes. First
response was  “that is why we call our self Time-nuts”. However Richard Mc
Cokle did offer his  help and he has been key to the success. The goal of $
200 for all material for  a 4 channel counter and D/M is attainable if 10
boards are ordered.
The first set of boards where done  in about 5 month. Several people tested
the D/M but kept on using their counter  and my thanks go out to Corby who
tested the very first  D/M.
I was left testing the counter and  logic is my strong suit as Juerg will
attest my weakness is software even though  at one time I set up and was in
charge of a software group. Had problems with  the counter PC interface. Now
thanks to Corby I now know that the problem was  the 56K RS 232 versus 9.6
K. Tells you how brilliant I am on that subject. Till  recently I thought RS
232 is RS232.
I did reach out to the list and  connected with Fred Tijddingen who offered
to help. I send him a counter and he  asked me to get him some parts that
where not time related after he agreed to  pay for them. After I shipped
them, never heard from him again. Be careful, I do  not know if any one else had
that experience. Many of you know I used to ship  and only asked to be paid
after you got the parts. Well now I am a lot more  selective.
A year ago I connected with list  member Juerg Koegel. We share the same
priorities and complement each other with  our skill sets. On top of that
Juerg has the equipment that I lack and the know  how to make it talk to PC’s.
On top  of that Juerg had used a MAX 3000 G/A for a PICTIC counter. Perfect
match. Juerg  can also write PIC code, not like Richard but what we  need.
First out the 2 channel and 4  channel counters now with G/A’s and Richards
PIC;s. The two channel measures  phase and period in the ping pong mode
allowing you to do the basics of a single  D/M. The 4 channel was intended for
two D/M’s or with an additional 2 channel  for three corner hat. Can also be
used for cross correlation.
How ever the 4 channel in  combination with one D/M allows also very high
resolution frequency comparison  only limited by the noise floor of the D/M.
Since the A/V measurements are most  likely not a daily activity using this
instrument for frequency measurements or  aging tests over long term makes
it a very useful tool. Juerg does not want me  to talk to much about it, but
he is right now busy writing PIC code for a 4 line  LCD display that also
includes a Vinculum VDRIVE2 that allows recording data on  a USB flash drive,
interfaces with a PC using RS 232, USB and Bluetooth. I call  it the Swiss
Army Knife, because of all the things the combination D/M, Counter  and Juerg
LCD can do.
The D/M is being revisited because  of the counter performance. 1 E-13 is
easily attainable but the Czech IREE  published a paper and claim 2 E-15.
Would be nice to get 1 E-14. Tried to get  detailed information, no luck, but
maybe some list member will be able to. It  was EU funded.
Working with Juerg has been very  productive
2 channel counter    done
4 channel counter    done
Partridge and TADD-2 Mini like 1 pps  generator using G/A done
Tbolt  Bluetooth interface  done
G/A version of Shera using 100 or  200 MHz in testing
D/M LCD PCB done, in code writing  phase
Austron circuit using G/A in  testing
PICTIC II using G/A in board  layout  G/A  done
At this point I like to make a plug  for the Altera MAX 3000 GA. Easy to
program (I can do it) low cost and makes all  TTL and HC logic available but
the best part if something does not work you do  not have to do a new board,
just reprogram. Using a $ 0.60 socket makes it very  solderable. Made a
prototype board and I think it is fair to say that our  productivity has gone up
10 fold. Some one mentioned G/A jitter a day later we  had a test setup
comparing a Partrige board with our circuit and found out  thanks to Jueg’s
equipment G/A was as good maybe slightly better.  Software is free and the prog
rammer is $  10.
What happens next depends on  interest by the list. Juerg and I will not
get in to the kit business but if  larger interest is there I will find a way
to accommodate.
Let  me make it clear, the counter by it self  has only limited usability,
you also have to have or build a D/M. But the  combination with a PC or
Display will make it a very useful, flexible,  affordable tool.
My back of the envelope calculation  still shows $ 200 for the Mixer und
counter and somewhere between $ 350 and 400  for a full up system using Morion
MV 89 OCXO for offset, LCD Display with  VDRIVE2, power supplies and
I am looking for a volotier to work  with me on the documentation, my
drafting skills are mnimal and I want Juerg to  focus on display code. Would be 
Will send a picture of the 2 channel  but have to compress to make it
through the system.
Bert Kehren   Miami
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