Sorry I meant to say I'm confident the measurements are above the noise floor 
after approx 100 seconds.  

On Mon, 3 Dec, 2012 4:56 AM PST Mark Spencer wrote:

>Thanks for the comments and suggestions.
>With regards to the equipment used to collect the data, I am using two HP 
>5370B's.   The 1 pps output of the PRS10 is connected to the start input of 
>each counter, the 10Mhz output of each of the GPSDO's is connected to the stop 
>input of one of the counters.  The 10 Mhz output from the PRS10 is also routed 
>via a distribution amp to the reference input of both counters.   I'm 
>confident that the measurements are below the noise floor of the counters 
>beyond approx 100 seconds.   The trigger settings on the start input of each 
>counter are identical so I'm hopeful the measurements are being taken at more 
>or less the same time.   
>With regards to the common mode issues, yes this crossed my mind, and I expect 
>what I will end up measuring will likely be a function of the longer term 
>performance of the lesser of the two receivers rather than the true GPS noise 
>floor. I should probably have made the "sort of" disclaimer in the title of 
>the thread stronger (:  Still I expect this would give me an indication of the 
>likely long term performance of the two GPS receivers in question which from 
>my end user perspective is still useful.   
>The two receivers do however receive different numbers of satellites so I'm 
>thinking some GPS system bias may work it's way into the measurements over the 
>long term.  I am curious if at some point I will see the computed Adev between 
>the two GPSDO's flatten out and trend upwards.
>The comment regarding the differences in the performance of the GPSDO's vs the 
>GPS system itself also makes sense.
>Mark Spencer
>> Message: 5
>> Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2012 00:17:47 +0100
>> From: Magnus Danielson <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Measuring GPS noise floor (sort
>> of)
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> On 12/02/2012 11:37 PM, Mark Spencer wrote:
>> > I'm wondering how useful it is to compare two different
>> GPS receivers to a single Rb to get a sense of the GPS noise
>> floor.   I've been collecting some data for
>> the last week or so seem be making some headway with this.
>> >
>> > Not having a cesium or an Hmaser I elected to compare
>> two different GPSDO's to a single Rb and then assuming the
>> data seemed sane, I thought I would then compute the Adev
>> between the two GPSDO's.   My assumption is
>> that by comparing the two GPSDO's to the Rb it should be
>> possible to detect when one GPSDO is mis behaving or
>> possibly when the Rb mis behaves.  So far other than a
>> bit of a glitch at the start of the process things seem to
>> be proceeding as I expected.   I hope to
>> collect another two weeks or so of data if all goes
>> according to plan.
>> >
>> > I'm really only interested in the longer term numbers
>> and I wouldn't put to much trust in the shorter term
>> results.
>> >
>> > Comments would be welcome especially if there is a
>> fundamental flaw with this process.
>> >
>> > Looking at the data gave me something to do this
>> afternoon during some down time on a business trip (: 
>> I reazlize this approach is probably not how the pros would
>> do this.
>> You do realize that several issues with the GPSDOs will be
>> common mode, 
>> such as the errors of the ionspheric model and actual
>> ionspheric effect 
>> and that of multipath. The rubidium will to some degree aid
>> to 
>> illustrate these shifts, but it will be accounted for on the
>> rubidium 
>> deviation from the common. If you look at the CRIT paper we
>> discussed 
>> yesterday, they did exactly what you proposes. For most
>> stuff the 5 
>> recievers they used didn't show much differences. If you
>> increase the 
>> resolution you might get out more. You might have use for
>> additional 
>> local references, in order to separate out other effects.
>> For instance, 
>> with three rubidiums measured, you could single out which of
>> them has an 
>> error, and any common mode effects of the GPSDOs could be
>> fairly well 
>> separated out from the local performance of your rubidiums.
>> Cheers,
>> Magnus

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