Magnus Danielson said the following on 12/20/2012 05:29 PM:
On 12/20/2012 10:19 PM, John Ackermann N8UR wrote:
TimeLab can talk directly to the 512x boxes via ethernet. I've also
written some Linux scripts to capture both phase data and graphs from
the 5120; happy to share with anyone who'd like them (but TimeLab is a
whole lot easier in most cases).

If I recall correctly, you can run continuous logging from 512x boxes
with TimeLab, so it should be a good approach to get more out from your

Yes, it will log the phase data stream and create the same set of plots from it as with other data. I think John has mentioned some issues keeping the connection open over long collection intervals, but I haven't seen any issues.

However, in my Perl code I ended up increasing the TCP timeout to a quite large value -- the data seems to be sent with varying delay and sometimes pauses for a while, presumably while the system is occupied doing something else. A long timeout keeps things running during the pauses, and no data seems to be missed in the process.


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