I just had this same problem, a computer owned by some one who had
passed away.  One dose not even need to know or recover the password.
Simply remove the hard drive and place it on another computer and you
will have access to all the files, copy over what is needed, re-format
the drive, then put it back in the old PC and give the PC to the
Goodwill store.

If the user encrypted the disk, you are out of luck with out the key
but you only typicaly see encryption with notebook computers used for

I've seen this kind of dementia where the person needs full time care.
 By the time it goes that far the person does not know where they are
or who anyone is.  Many times they are upset and angry all the time
because they can't figure out what's happening but other times they
simply stair into space.

I think whatthis says is that if you've worked hard to make a design
available to others and you don't intend to sell it commercially,
PUBLISH the details, the design files and the source code.   Yes I
kknow it is never "good enough" for others to see.  But in reality it
is likely better than what 99.9%  of others can do.

On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 6:15 AM, paul swed <paulsw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Bert
> A thought has crossed my mind here.
> His wife can not access his computer.
> If its windows XP or earlier the password is recoverable. I use a boot cd
> that exposes all. Its been helpful.
> Is there a way to reach out and offer help aside from snail mail?
> Would she be open to that help?
> Regards
> Paul
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 4:03 PM, <ewkeh...@aol.com> wrote:
>> Some how time nuts combined two lines  it is
>> Karen Stoll    46 Crazy Rabbit  Rd      Santa Fee,  NM   87508
>> In a message dated 12/19/2012 3:55:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
>> ewkeh...@aol.com writes:
>> Brooks Shera has been a major contributor with his GPSDO.   Before Tbolts
>> where affordable his QST article for the first time opened  the  door for
>> many
>> amateurs to precision frequency at an affordable  price. Over the  years I
>> build many units. For a year I have tried to  buy his latest version  4.02.
>> I
>> did not get a response, so last week  I wrote a hardcopy  letter.
>> Yesterday I got an answer from his wife  Karen Stoll. She  is not able to
>> access his emails.
>> Brooks is in  a Memory Care  Unit in a local senior residence, suffering
>> from  dementia.
>> I think it is appropriate  that those of us that appreciate  his
>> contribution take the time to write a  personal note to his wife,  I am
>> sure it will
>> help her in these difficult times  and maybe seeing  the letters will help
>> him
>> to.
>> Bert  Kehren
>> Karen   Stoll46 Crazy Rabbit Rd.
>> Santa Fe, NM   87508
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Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

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