
The interesting thing is that you sometimes can get a position hold receiver to 
report it's estimated location…. Not so much on current product, but on some of 
the old stuff.


On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:51 PM, Jim Lux <jim...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> On 12/29/12 6:34 PM, Bob Camp wrote:
>> Hi
>> The gotcha is that often the "navigation" and "timing" receivers are 
>> identical in terms of hardware. There is no upgraded hardware in the timing 
>> device.
>> When you put a receiver into position hold, you are telling it "I don't care 
>> about the location solution". It reduces the weight of that part of the 
>> filter. Yes, that's only one way to look at it and there are other ways to 
>> look at it.
> or, another conceptual model is: I'm fixed, I know where the transmitting 
> satellite is, and can calculate range and doppler a priori, so anything else 
> must be local clock variation and propagation.  And you can average out the 
> propagation among multiple satellites (or use one satellite as your timing 
> reference)..
> Particularly if you are post processing and have precise ephemeris data for 
> the satellites....
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