
Thanks for the update. The spikes I'm experiencing coincides with the
time when there are 3 or less visible satellites, as predicted by the
Trimble Planning software.

I'm glad that's resolved, Gabs. I have seen similar spikes on my systems, and there's no doubt that an outside antenna with a clear view all round gives the best results. I'm located on the top floor of a two-storey house and if I mount patch antennas high up in the work-room they can often get a "good enough" view. I've recently moved Raspberry Pi #1 into an unheated, north-facing room, and now the temperature variations are less and slower, so NTP shows a much more stable offset. Raspberry Pi #1 is running a "navigation" GPS, and #2 a "timing" GPS, and the temperature variations of the in-office #2 are the dominant factor:


PC Pixie on that plot is driven from a GPS 18 LVC (not the newer 18x),and that receiver is less sensitive and does need to be outside. It's lying on the sloping roof here.

SatSignal Software - Quality software written to your requirements
Web: http://www.satsignal.eu
Email: david-tay...@blueyonder.co.uk

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