I have been following this on the list for a while now and was curious if anyone is actively working on a open source monitor. I see the one made by Adam VK4GHZ is no longer being sold. This got me back on track for wanting to make one of my own.

I have been using either tbmon or lady heather but always have issues with a usb to serial converter when I start the computer. It will go haywire and cause it to freeze and make the mouse malfunction. Once I disconnect the converter (I have tried other makes as well) it works fine. Usually I can reconnect the converter and things will work again.

What I would like to do is make a 2 or 4 line lcd readout to display various info. I really liked VK4GHZ's page type selector knob. I can see that being very useful. On a youtube video by n6vmo said the thunderbolt used a ASCII Hex and "needs to be converted by using 64 bit floating point math".

So are any of you currently working on this or have decided to quit and have any information to share?

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